Total Results: 100
Driving A-loan: Automobile debt, neighborhood race, and the COVID-19 pandemic
Transport Policy, Volume 155Evelyn Blumenberg, Fariba Siddiq, Samuel Speroni, Jacob L. Wasserman
License to Drive: The Effect of State Driver’s Licensing Laws on the Travel of Unauthorized Immigrants
Transportation Research Part A, Volume 187, September 2024Andrew Schouten, Evelyn Blumenberg
Employment Concentration, Dispersion, and the Changing Commute in the San Fransico Bay Area
The Journal of Transportation and Land Use, Volume 17 No.1Evelyn Blumenberg, Samuel Speroni
Are immigrants migrating away from transit? Immigrant transit use trends in California
Travel Behavior and SocietyAndrew Schouten, Evelyn Blumenberg, Brian D. Taylor
Sex Differences in Child Care Travel
FindingsEvelyn Blumenberg, Zhiyuan Yao, Madeline Wander
Young workers, jobs-housing balance, and commute distance: Findings from two high-housing-cost U.S. regions
CitiesEvelyn Blumenberg, Hannah King
Decisions & distance: The relationship between child care access and child care travel
Journal of Transport GeographyEvelyn Blumenberg, Madeline Wander, Zhiyuan Yao
Putting Automobile Debt on the Map: Race and the Geography of Automobile Debt in California,” Tr
Transportation Research Part AEvelyn Blumenberg, Fariba Siddiq, Samuel Speroni, Jacob L. Wasserman
Can Subsidized Carshare Programs Enhance Access for Low-Income Travelers?
Journal of the American Planning AssociationEvelyn Blumenberg, Julene Paul, Miriam Pinski, Madeline Brozen
Variation in Child Care Access Across Neighborhood Types: A Two-Step Floating Catchment Area (2SFCA) Approach
Applied GeographyEvelyn Blumenberg, Zhiyuan Yao, Madeline Wander
Vehicle Ownership Rates: The Role of Lifecycle, Period, and Cohort Effects
Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 21Julene Paul, Evelyn Blumenberg
Planning for and Against Vehicular Homelessness: Spatial Trends and Determinants of Vehicular Dwelling in Los Angeles
Journal of the American Planning AssociationChristopher Giamarino, Madeline Brozen, Evelyn Blumenberg
Vehicle Access and Falling Transit Ridership: Evidence from Southern California
TransportationMichael Manville, Brian D. Taylor, Evelyn Blumenberg, Andrew Schouten
Who Lives in Vehicles and Why? Understanding Vehicular Homelessness in Los Angeles
Housing Policy DebateChristopher Giamarino, Evelyn Blumenberg, Madeline Brozen
Driving, Residential Location, and Employment Outcomes Among Older Adults
Journal Applied GerontologyAndrew Schouten, Evelyn Blumenberg, Martin Wachs
Who’s in the Driver Seat? Gender and the Division of Car Use in Auto-deficit Households
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and PracticeEvelyn Blumenberg, Andrew Schouten, Anne Brown
Can I Borrow [for] your Car? Income, Race, and Automobile Debt in California in California
Pandemic in The Metropolis: Transportation Impacts and RecoveryEvelyn Blumenberg, Fariba Siddiq, Samuel Speroni, Jacob L. Wasserman
Housing Affordability and Commute Distance
Urban GeographyEvelyn Blumenberg, Madeline Wander
Commute Distance and Jobs-Housing Fit
TransportationEvelyn Blumenberg, Fariba Siddiq
Keys to the Car Driving Cessation and Residential Location Among Older Adults
Journal of the American Planning AssociationAndrew Schouten, Evelyn Blumenberg, Martin Wachs, Hannah King