Mentoring and Supervision
Samuel Speroni
Doctoral Student (UCLA)
Dissertation Co-Chair, Advisor
Publications- Putting Automobile Debt on the Map: Race and the Geography of Automobile Debt in California,” Tr (link)
- Driving A-loan: Automobile debt, neighborhood race, and the COVID-19 pandemic (link)
- Employment Concentration, Dispersion, and the Changing Commute in the San Fransico Bay Area (link)
- Can I Borrow [for] your Car? Income, Race, and Automobile Debt in California in California (link)
Awards & Honors- Graduate Scholarship, Intelligent Transportation Society California (ITS-CA) & California Transportation Foundation (CTF), 2020
- Donald and Pat Shoup Fellowship, UCLA Urban Planning Department & Institute of Transportation Studies, 2020–2024
- Student of the Year, Pacific Southwest Region University Transportation Center (PSR UTC), 2020
- Dwight D. Eisenhower Transportation Fellowship, Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), 2020–2021
- Graduate Summer Research Mentorship, UCLA Graduate Division, 2021
- Dwight D. Eisenhower Transportation Fellowship, Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), 2021–2022
- Excellence in Innovation / Research Award, Young Professionals in Transportation (YPT) International (with Tianxing Dai, Maya Desai, Eric Desmalchi, Hao Ding, John Gahbauer, Yu Hong Hwang, Julene Paul, Brian D. Taylor), 2021
- Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award, UCLA Undergraduate Program in Public Affairs, 2022
- Dwight D. Eisenhower Transportation Fellowship, Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), 2022–2023
- Best Paper Award, Standing Committee on Transit Management and Finance, Transportation Research Board (TRB) (with Fariba Siddiq, Jacob Wasserman, and Brian D. Taylor), 2023
- Roe L. Johns Student Travel Grant, Association for Education Finance & Policy (AEFP), 2023
- Dwight D. Eisenhower Transportation Fellowship, Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), 2023–2024
- Dwight D. Eisenhower Transportation Fellowship, Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), 2024–2025
Madeline Wander
Doctoral Student (UCLA)
Dissertation Chair, Advisor
Publications- The Transportation Gender Gap: The Role of U.S. Policy and PlanningThe Role of U.S. Policy and Planning (link)
- The Next Generation of Travel: Statistical Analysis (link)
- What’s Youth Got to Do with It? Exploring the Travel Behavior of Teens and Young Adults (link)
- Sex Differences in Child Care Travel (link)
- Decisions & distance: The relationship between child care access and child care travel (link)
- Variation in Child Care Access Across Neighborhood Types: A Two-Step Floating Catchment Area (2SFCA) Approach (link)
- Housing Affordability and Commute Distance (link)
Awards & Honors- Women's Transportation Seminar Los Angeles Chapter Board of Directors Graduate Scholarship, 2021
- UCLA Graduate Summer Research Mentorship Program Fellowship, 2021
- U.S. DOT Dwight David Eisenhower Transportation Fellowship Program Graduate Fellowship, 2021
- UCLA Graduate Summer Research Mentorship Program Fellowship, 2022
- U.S. DOT Dwight David Eisenhower Transportation Fellowship Program Graduate Fellowship, 2022
- UCLA Graduate Research Mentorship Fellowship, 2023
- U.S. DOT Dwight David Eisenhower Transportation Fellowship Program Graduate Fellowship – “Top Rated Doctoral Fellow”, 2023
- UCLA Donald and Pat Shoup Fellowship, 2020
- UCLA Institute of Transportation Studies Dissertation Year Fellowship, 2024
- UCLA Dissertation Year Award, 2024
Hannah King
Doctoral Student (UCLA)
Dissertation Member
Publications- Low-Income Workers, Residential Location, and the Changing Commute in the U.S. (link)
- Jobs–Housing Balance Re-Re-Visited (link)
- Cohort Analysis of Driving Cessation and Limitation Among Older Adults (link)
- Jobs-Housing Balance in California Cities (link)
- Transit Blues in the Golden State: Analyzing Recent California Ridership Trends (link)
- What's Behind Recent Transit Ridership Trends in the Bay Area? (link)
- Young workers, jobs-housing balance, and commute distance: Findings from two high-housing-cost U.S. regions (link)
- Keys to the Car Driving Cessation and Residential Location Among Older Adults (link)
Awards & Honors- Best Paper Award from the Journal of the American Planning Association, 2021
Julene Paul
Assistant Professor (University of Texas, Arlington)
Dissertation: Sharing In and Sharing Out: The Equity Implications of Informal Vehicle-Sharing
Dissertation Chair, Advisor
Publications- Travel in the Digital Age: Vehicle Ownership and Technology-Facilitated Accessibility (link)
- Vehicle Availability Patterns and Trends Commuting in America 2020 (link)
- Transit Blues in the Golden State: Analyzing Recent California Ridership Trends (link)
- What's Behind Recent Transit Ridership Trends in the Bay Area? (link)
- Can Subsidized Carshare Programs Enhance Access for Low-Income Travelers? (link)
- Vehicle Ownership Rates: The Role of Lifecycle, Period, and Cohort Effects (link)
Awards & Honors- Eugene Cota-Robles Fellowship, UCLA, 2018-2022
- Dwight D. Eisenhower Transportation Fellowship Program Graduate Fellowship, 2019-2023
- UTC Student of the Year, US Department of Transportation, 2023
- Dissertation Year Fellowship, UCLA Institute of Transportation Studies, 2023
- Dissertation Year Fellowship, UC Office of the President. 2023
Fariba Siddiq
Graduate Student Researcher (UCLA Institute of Transportation Studies)
Dissertation: A gendered perspective on ride-hail use in Los Angeles, USA
Dissertation Member
Publications- Putting Automobile Debt on the Map: Race and the Geography of Automobile Debt in California,” Tr (link)
- Driving A-loan: Automobile debt, neighborhood race, and the COVID-19 pandemic (link)
- Can I Borrow [for] your Car? Income, Race, and Automobile Debt in California in California (link)
- Commute Distance and Jobs-Housing Fit (link)
Awards & Honors- Luskin Graduate Fellowship by UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs, 2019-2021
- Lee Schipper Memorial Scholarship by Volvo Research and Educational Foundation, and World Resources Institute, 2020
- Graduate Summer Research Mentorship (GSRM) Award, UCLA, 2020-2021
- Railway Association of Southern California Scholarship, 2020
- Graduate Research Grant from UCLA Institute of Transportation Studies, 2021
- American Public Transportation Foundation Scholarship, 2021
- WTS-LA Myra Frank Graduate Scholarship by WTS Foundation, 2021
- BMBG Janie Wulkan Scholarship by American Public Transportation Foundation, 2022
- Vanessa Dingley Fellowship by UCLA Urban Planning Department, 2022
- One of the four papers at the Best of Transit Management and Performance Papers session at Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, 2023
- Student Travel Award, Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning, 2023
- UCLA Institute of Transportation Studies Dissertation Year Fellowship, 2023
- UCLA Division of Graduate Education Dissertation Year Award, 2024
2022 • PhD
Miriam Pinski
Doctoral Student (UCLA)
Dissertation: Right or Privilege? The History of Driver's Licenses in California
Dissertation Co-Chair
Publications- Physical Accessibility and Employment among Older Adults in California (link)
- Regional Differences in the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Food Sufficiency in California, April–July 2020: Implications for Food Programmes and Policies (link)
- Can Subsidized Carshare Programs Enhance Access for Low-Income Travelers? (link)
Andrew Schouten
Lecturer (Asia University, Faculty of Urban Innovation)
Dissertation: Residential, Economic, and Transportation Mobility: The Changing Geography of Low-Income Households
Dissertation Chair, Advisor
Publications- Accessibility and Cognition: The Effect of Transportation Mode on Spatial Knowledge (link)
- Physical Accessibility and Employment among Older Adults in California (link)
- Car-Deficit Households: Determinants and Implications for Household Travel (link)
- Cohort Analysis of Driving Cessation and Limitation Among Older Adults (link)
- Who’s on Board? Examining the Changing Characteristics of Transit Riders Using Latent Profile Analysis (link)
- Vehicle Ownership Trends and Their Implications for Transit Ridership (link)
- Transit Blues in the Golden State: Analyzing Recent California Ridership Trends (link)
- What's Behind Recent Transit Ridership Trends in the Bay Area? (link)
- License to Drive: The Effect of State Driver's Licensing Laws on the Travel of Unauthorized Immigrants (link)
- Are immigrants migrating away from transit? Immigrant transit use trends in California (link)
- Driving, Residential Location, and Employment Outcomes Among Older Adults (link)
- Who's in the Driver Seat? Gender and the Division of Car Use in Auto-deficit Households (link)
- Vehicle Access and Falling Transit Ridership: Evidence from Southern California (link)
- Rating the Composition: Deconstructing the Demand-Side Effects on Transit Use Changes in California (link)
- Keys to the Car Driving Cessation and Residential Location Among Older Adults (link)
Awards & Honors- Martin Wachs Fellowship, 2015
- Randall Lewis Health Policy Fellowship, 2016
- Transportation Research Board Pyke Johnson Award, 2019
- Institute of Transportation Studies Dissertation of the Year Fellowship, 2019
Carole T. Voulgaris
Associate Professor (Harvard University Graduate School of Design)
Dissertation: Crystal Balls and Black Boxes: Optimism Bias in Ridership and Cost Forecasts for New Starts Rapid Transit Project
Dissertation Member
Publications- A Resurgence in Urban Living? Trends in Residential Location Patterns of Young and Older Adults Since 2000 (link)
- Typecasting Neighborhoods and Travelers: Analyzing the Geography of Travel Behavior among Teens and Young Adults in the U.S. (link)
- Millennials, Built Form, and Travel Insights from a Nationwide Typology of U.S. Neighborhoods (link)
- Synergistic Neighborhood Relationships with Travel Behavior: An Analysis of Travel in 30,000 U.S. Neighborhoods (link)
- Heightening Walking above its Pedestrian Status: Walking and Travel Behavior in California (link)
- A Taste for Transit? Analyzing Public Transit Use Trends Among Youth (link)
Awards & Honors- UCLA Martin Wachs Fellowship, 2012
- Dwight David Eisenhower Transportation Fellowship, 2013
- UCLA Institute of Transportation Studies Fellowship, 2014
- Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning Barclay Gibbs Jones Award for Best Dissertation in Planning, 2017
- Eno Leadership Development Conference Alumni Fellowship, 2015
Kelcie Ralph
Associate Professor (Rutgers University)
Dissertation: Stalled On The Road To Adulthood? Analyzing the Nature of Recent Travel Changes for Young Adults in America, 1995 to 2009
Dissertation Member
Publications- The Next Generation of Travel: Statistical Analysis (link)
- What’s Youth Got to Do with It? Exploring the Travel Behavior of Teens and Young Adults (link)
- A Resurgence in Urban Living? Trends in Residential Location Patterns of Young and Older Adults Since 2000 (link)
- Typecasting Neighborhoods and Travelers: Analyzing the Geography of Travel Behavior among Teens and Young Adults in the U.S. (link)
- Millennials, Built Form, and Travel Insights from a Nationwide Typology of U.S. Neighborhoods (link)
- Who Knows about Kids these Days? Analyzing the Determinants of Youth and Adult Mobility in the U.S. between 1990 and 2009 (link)
- Synergistic Neighborhood Relationships with Travel Behavior: An Analysis of Travel in 30,000 U.S. Neighborhoods (link)
- A Taste for Transit? Analyzing Public Transit Use Trends Among Youth (link)
Awards & Honors- Environmental Protection Agency Marshall Scholar, 2011-2014
- University of California Transportation Center Dissertation Year Fellowship, 2014
- Dwight David Eisenhower Transportation Fellowship, 2014
- Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning Barclay Gibbs Jones Award for Best Dissertation in Planning, 2015
- UC CONNECT Student of the Year, 2015
Anne Brown
Associate Professor (University of Oregon)
Dissertation: Ridehail Revolution: Ridehail Travel and Equity in Los Angeles
Dissertation Member
Publications- A Resurgence in Urban Living? Trends in Residential Location Patterns of Young and Older Adults Since 2000 (link)
- Car-Deficit Households: Determinants and Implications for Household Travel (link)
- Typecasting Neighborhoods and Travelers: Analyzing the Geography of Travel Behavior among Teens and Young Adults in the U.S. (link)
- Millennials, Built Form, and Travel Insights from a Nationwide Typology of U.S. Neighborhoods (link)
- Synergistic Neighborhood Relationships with Travel Behavior: An Analysis of Travel in 30,000 U.S. Neighborhoods (link)
- A Taste for Transit? Analyzing Public Transit Use Trends Among Youth (link)
- Who's in the Driver Seat? Gender and the Division of Car Use in Auto-deficit Households (link)
Awards & Honors- UCLA Dean’s Scholar Award, 2014-2016
- Dwight D. Eisenhower Transportation Fellowship, 2014-2016
- Emerging Scholars Award for Excellence in Research and Public Policy, 2016
- UCLA Graduate Division Dissertation Year Fellowship, 2017
- Eno Leadership Development Conference Fellowship, 2017
Andrew Mondschein
Associate Dean of Research & Associate Professor (University of Virginia)
Dissertation: The Personal City: The Experiential, Cognitive Nature of Travel and Activity and Implications for Accessibility
Dissertation Member
Awards & Honors- University of California Transportation Center Graduate Fellowship, 1997-1999
- UCLA Chancellor’s Graduate Fellowship, 2004-2005
- Dwight David Eisenhower Transportation Fellowship, 2005-2008
- UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs Best Ph.D. Student Award, 2013
- University of California Transportation Center Dissertation Year Fellowship, 2009
Michael Smart
Associate Professor (Rutgers University)
Dissertation: Immigrant Ethnic Neighborhoods, Inward Focus, and Travel Mode Choice
Dissertation Chair, Advisor
Publications- Driving to Opportunities: Voucher Users, Cars, and Movement to Sustainable Neighborhoods (link)
- Brother Can You Spare a Ride? Carpooling in Immigrant Neighborhoods (link)
- The Next Generation of Travel: Statistical Analysis (link)
- What’s Youth Got to Do with It? Exploring the Travel Behavior of Teens and Young Adults (link)
- Migrating to Driving: Exploring the Multiple Dimensions of Immigrants' Automobile Use (link)
- Getting by with a Little Help from My Friends…and Family: Immigrants and Carpooling (link)
- Who Knows about Kids these Days? Analyzing the Determinants of Youth and Adult Mobility in the U.S. between 1990 and 2009 (link)
- Transportation Access, Residential Location, and Economic Opportunity: Evidence from Two Housing Voucher Experiments (link)
Awards & Honors- University of California Chancellor’s Prize, 2006
- American Institute of Certified Planners Award, 2007
- UCLA Leon Hoffman Prize, 2008
- UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs Outstanding Doctoral Student Award, 2012
- University of California Graduate Division Dissertation Year Fellowship, 2010
Kimiko Shiki
Associate Professor (Ritsumeikan University)
Dissertation: Why Do the Poor Move to Cities? The Central City/Suburban Locational Choice of Low-Income Households
Dissertation Chair, Advisor
Publications- Spatial Mismatch Outside of Large Urban Areas: An Analysis of Welfare Recipients in Fresno County, California (link)
- How Welfare Recipients Travel on Public Transit, and Their Accessibility to Employment Outside Large Urban Centers (link)
- Travel Behavior of Mexican and Other Immigrant Groups in California (link)